Monday 21 July 2008

Ngarang ngena leka jako senimbal...i.e Alliteration?

Have you paid a closer look at Iban literature? Most of them use a lot of alliteration , i.e. saying things using words that sound alike. And this is common in almost every language I know. In Iban for instance,

Gempanang raja Janang
Ke tau keramat besai
Atong along raja Mikai!

Well I just composed something 'mapap', but you can see that what I am trying to tell the audience is - about this so-called king and his great attribute, and I could have written it in one sentence with a lot less words but I chose to say it lavishly and using many words that rhyme!

Just a thought!

Friday 18 July 2008

Once in a while... is probably ok...right?

I blame it on the 8 years spent in the MacD and BK's country for the penchant I had for fast food aka to some as junk food. In today's society where most of us are exposed and educated to some extent to the concept of healthy diet, what was once used to be the alternative diet is now considered the source of all kind of modern illness - obesity, type 2 diabetes, tooth decay and what have you!

Well I tell you what, and here is my personal opinion...and I borrow it from Al Bundy, yes the famous yesteryear sitcom smart guy Al - If you are being too stringent with what goes into your system, one day and almost inevitably, when you consume the so-called impurities - your system will act violently!

Thus it is okay to have go at the those frowned upon delicacies(exaggerating) once in a while, but of course as much as possible stick to a healthy diet whenever you can( control your urge for the said foods)!

Thursday 17 July 2008

My 'battery' only lasts for 3 hours...but that's okay!

Well, everyone knows that it is not easy to remain enthusiastic all the time at work, study or at whatever you do as your vocation.

And different people find different ways to keep them going - and thats the point - Firstly, knowing/finding the source of your motivation and secondly, running to it whenever you feel dry - if could be friends, books, family members or the Higher Being or simply a combination of all of these!

We all have our own 'batteries' and we also know that daily frustrations and downs in life deplete them of their 'charges', but the good news is - those 'batteries' can be recharged!

Monday 14 July 2008

You Again??

This evening was the 2nd time I was approached by a 20-plus old woman who came up with some story about how she need money, just coincidentally.

Well, I tell you what - that very same woman bumped into me last Thursday and told me she had left her wallet in her office, thus needed 2.70 pound for a ride back home. I did not believe her back then because to me she looked very much like a drug-addict and a street prostitute, and today this second encounter with her confirmed my suspicion. But out of compassion, last Thursday I gave her 1 quid and told her, it is all that I have( I was lying of course).

And when the same woman approached me again on my way back home this evening, I did not even give the chance for her to tell her lies!

What a world that we are living in - how drug, alcohol and other stuffs can ruin your life forever! So be careful, there things and stuff that you better stay away from - for your own good!

Sunday 13 July 2008

Focusing on the purpose!

Well it is not the first time you heard it, first find or list what your objectives are then make steps to achieve it, right? And if it is a long term goal or purpose, you map your way to reach it and everyday you FOCUS on accomplishing those daily objectives toward that big goal.

Sound simple, yet many of us can't do it, why because of so many things that distracted us from focusing on our daily purposes.

But the good news is you don't have to be focused 100% of the time, just for 2 hours of the working day is fine, but the more the better. At least that's what I discovered! Do you agree?

Saturday 12 July 2008

I was thinking of becoming a vegetarian, until...

...but first of all these are my top 3 favorite veggies;

1) Eggplant

2) Spinach aka Bayam

3) Water Spinach aka Kangkung!

...I read a graffiti in a private place that says something like this " Our dear vegetarian friends - Had it not been for the carnivorous lifestyle of our ancestors, our species will not occupy the top of the food-chain as it is today and rule the earth!". got some points there, bro.! Well, no offense intended for anyone, and style is just a matter of personal choice. Right?

So you want to be an author...then you have to read well!

No problem, my friend - because reading and buying books come naturally to me. And now that I wanna be the best blogger that I can be , thus, the need to keep abreast with today's happening is no doubt a necessity.

Hahaha...get outta here (I can't even write a complete sentence without spelling and grammar checker, well... I am better these days)!

I was thinking of buying John Irving's stuff, but not this time!

I end up buying these 2 books.

And these magazines too!

Are you good at spotting your own mistakes, character flaws and other blemishes...?

If you are good at knowing your own weaknesses, then you are okay, otherwise like many of us we need friends, colleagues, family members to tell us of our shortcomings.

You hate it and I hate them too, but recently I feel more indebted to the fault-finders - teachers, friends and colleagues who has the gut and compassion to tell me that I am wrong and most of all show me the correct way of doing things!

And often times too the most direct and valuable rebuke comes from someone who is not part of your circle of loved ones, this is what struck me the most!

Therefore, I confirm the validity that God can use anyone or any situation to correct us, friends and enemies alike!

Have you ever asked yourself these questions...?

1) Why am I born as an Iban or Jewish or Catholic or Hindhu?

2) Why do I end up doing this and that, as supposed to...?

Well clearly there are things that you can change but there also things that you cannot alter, and figuring out which one belong to which categories is crucial, and you need to do it early and stick to that conviction!

So that time, money and effort will be spent on items that can be changed and improved -for your very own sake!

Friday 11 July 2008

I went to visit my good old buddy..Mr. P in Rome last month!

I am impressed by the richness of the great roman empire heritage - the ancient structures and buildings. And I did go to visit the Pope, hahah...he was busy so I decided not to bother him. Personally I find the Italian people are quite friendly and along the way I learned a few Italian words -hmm... well may be not and I already forgot, and... Rome...I will be back!

Pulai Tiap Gawai!

Hmm...I can't explain why almost every Iban I know, feel the need to go back to their roots almost religiously every Gawai season.

Well maybe, that's why I am - an Iban, i.e it is an innate call/instinct whatever you want to call it. So what's your point? Well I just said it, the fact I am Iban makes me wanna go back to my hometown in Sarawak comes Gawai Celebration!

Haha...I told you this blog is just about 'lansa leman ati', nothing profound!

Journey through the Educational Wilderness!

Leeds University

Columbia University - 90-94

My Alma Mater(s)!

I love going to school, believe or not, but I hate doing homework, eventhough I don't mind taking exams...hahaha...yeah right!

Challenges in life!

The so-called successful people in life are characterized by those who continually take up challenges that will set them on a higher elevation in career, education or you-name-it grounds . Btw, I do not consider myself successful by any means! No way.

I personally( I had to admit) as much as possible avoid hardship/challenges, BUT what drive me to go move a tad higher - is the hatred to do the same thing day in and day out. So what's the point- you ask?

Well the point is whether you like or not challenges are there and choosing your next hurdle is very important!

Does it make you a better person to worry about so many things?

I think the answer is no, but somehow I would not disagree either, because by worrying about the future - you or I rather work harder daily and making sure my daily objectives are accomplished!

My Blog, My Take and your response!

Yes, at last I thought - Why not ? I gonna publish my thoughts, my concerns and even my pictures on the net. For what purpose - you may ask? Well, there are things that you do and you do it because you feel like doing it, and in the course of doing so, entertain, enlighten and inevitably annoy someone else, but I can't help - it is just part of life.